Robin William's Death.

Williams, famous for his comedic roles in films such as Mrs Doubtfire and his Oscar winning performance in Good Will and Hunting, will be missed terribly by many.
Following the saddening news, William's family stated "it is our hope the focus will not be on Robin's death, but on the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions.". And in light of that statement, friends, fellow colleges and members of the population, have came forth to share their views on the man, who without failure, could put a smile on anyone's face.
The president of the United States Of America, Barack Obama, stated that Williams "made us laugh. Made us cry. He gave immeasurable talent freely and generously to those who needed it most".
Ben Aflleck, who stared with Williams in Good Will And Hunting issued a tribute on behalf of himself, and fellow co-star Matt Damon, saying he was "Heartbroken. Thanks chief for your friendship and for what you gave the world. Robin had a ton of love in him. He personally did so much for so many people. He made Matt (Damon) and my dreams come true. What do you owe a guy who does that? Everything. May you find peace my friend."
I myself, upon hearing the news, was truly shocked. Robin Williams had been somewhat of a comedy icon to me, and I presume many others. As a result, The Reel Film Blog on Thursday will publish a top five Robin Williams' performances, to ensure that his wishes of his family are honoured, and that the life of Williams is celebrated, not his tragic death.
Star Wars Episode VII, will resume production after a two week halt in filming.
According to THR, filming on the highly anticipated sequel had to be shut down, due to Harrison Ford suffering from a broken leg. Ford, 72, suffered the injury whilst on-set, in an accident that involved the Millennium Falcon.
However, any doubts about Ford's broken leg delaying JJ Abraham's directed film, set for a December 18th 2015 release, have been squandered. This is result of Ford, who was out and about for the premier Expendables 3, reported that he is eager to get back to work on Disney's first chapter of the sequel trilogy.
Marvel studios are reportedly moving on with an Inhuman movie.
With the success of James Gunn's unorthodox spectacular Guardians Of The Galaxy fresh in the minds of many, it is rumoured that Disney and Marvel are looking to cash in on another out the box success, by launching The Inhumans franchise.
According to Collider, Joe Robert Cole has penned an Inhumans Script, which Marvel has decided to move forward with. This screenplay is supposedly being put out to potential directors.
If you are unfamiliar with the Inhumans you need not worry, they are not considered the most notable comic book characters. They are a race of super humans, created by comic book icons Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, who were genetically engineered on Earth.
However, audiences are rumoured to become more familiar with the super humans, in the up coming Avengers: Age Of Ultron. With speculation hinting that Marvel is going to tamper with comic book history, to make Quciksilver (Aaron Taylor Johnson) and Scarlett Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), part of the team of genetically altered super humans .
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