Number 5: Who Are The Inhumans?!
In perhaps the most lesser known of Marvel's upcoming announcements the declaration of a 2018 Inhumans film raised a few eyebrows. And the questions from those not familiar with the source material "who the hell are the Inhumans". I for one are not extensively familiar with any of the source material, and therefore I am limited in the insight I can provide.
The product of alien experimentation on the early human race, the Inhumans are a group of mutated individuals that went on to form their own society restricted from the rest of humanity. Thus you can see why it is considered an outside the box choice. However, with Guardians Of The Galaxy being a undoubted success it seems Marvel can deliver whatever they decide to produce. Therefore, we best not rule out any success just yet.
With suspicion surrounding the origins of the power of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, we may be introduced to the Inhumans earlier than 2018. And if Marvel stay true to form the film is certainly going to be a hit, that will factor in to Avengers 3.
Number 4: 3 Films A Year From 2017? Yes Please!
The comic book movie train just keeps on chugging, with no sign of stopping soon. Officially the most successful movie franchise of all time, the MCU is expanding at a unstoppable level and now fans can now look forward to three instalments a year.
Kevin Feigie said that this will be the new direction for Marvel Studios. With that in mind it's evident that comic book films are here to stay, and Fans can only dream of what Feigie 'n' co have in store for us post 2018.
Kevin Feigie said that this will be the new direction for Marvel Studios. With that in mind it's evident that comic book films are here to stay, and Fans can only dream of what Feigie 'n' co have in store for us post 2018.
Number 3: Captain Marvel And Black Panther Confirmed!
In a cinematic universe that was crying out for a female front runner it seemed Marvel, with all their supposed dragging of heels, was going to miss the message. Well they didn't. And Kevin Feige yet again proved that he is a man with so many aces up his sleeve that a magician would be envious.
Set for a July 6th 2018, this will be the studios first solo led female film. Which, although coming out a full year after DC's Wonder Woman, in my eyes is all the more exciting. Many are familiar with Wonder Woman, but yet her character has never connected with audiences. Therefore, the portrayal of Carol Danvers for me provides more excitement. As her character is less a symbol of feminism, more so just a intriguing quirky character, that will fit in greatly with the rest of earth's mightiest heroes.
Seeing as Marvel vowed to do away with origin stories early this year, it would seem that when audiences witness Carol Danvers she will literally fly on screen. Including the abilities of flight, superhuman strength, and energy absorption Danvers (if source material is adhered too) looks set to become one of the most powerful characters in the MCU. In addition to this, seeing as her film in sandwiched between Avengers three (we will get to that) you can be sore that Danvers will play a pivotal role in the inevitable Infinity War.
Black Panther will be the first notable black superhero, and his appearance in film has been awaited with sheer anticipation. Described by Marvel as a brilliant tactician, strategist, scientist and skilled in all forms of combat, it seems that Panther will be right at home along side fellow his fellow Avengers.
This announcement also shed light on the featuring of Andy Surkis in the Avengers; Age Of Ultron trailer. It now seems likely that Surkis will feature as Black Panther villain Klaw. If you place a picture of both together you will see what I mean. In addition, to the actual announcement, it was also confirmed that Boseman will feature in the next topic of discussion.
Number 2: Civil War Is Arriving To The MCU In 2016.
It is now official that one of the most iconic comic book story-lines of all time, will be unfolding on the big screen in 2016. In a title that has been apparently planned by Feige for 10 years, the MCU will be split in half with Captain America on one side, and Tony Stark on the other.In a plot that caused much controversy on paper, the same is sure to be repeated on the big screen. Pitting hero against hero is always going to be fun, but this will be serious, for it is the ideology of two that will clash head on. I will have to reserve my levels of anticipation till after Age Of Ultron, but I can safely say it will be high.
Number 1: Infinity War Parts One And Two!?
I think this speaks tantamount to the sheer scale that this storyline is going to take place on. Finally, Earth's mightiest heroes will face off against the big bad of Marvel phases one, two and three Thanos most probably wielding the iconic Infinity Gauntlet.
After reading the storyline, I am frankly not surprised that Marvel Studios decided on the two film strategy. The whole level of complexity to transfer to film is just baffling and I for one can't wait to see how and who tackles this project. And to finally see Thanos in full force will certainly be a sight to see.
After reading the storyline, I am frankly not surprised that Marvel Studios decided on the two film strategy. The whole level of complexity to transfer to film is just baffling and I for one can't wait to see how and who tackles this project. And to finally see Thanos in full force will certainly be a sight to see.
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