Thursday 18 September 2014

Throw Back Thursday: Batman And Robin.

Joel Schumacher's Batman and Robin can be deemed a success in many ways, and I know now you guys are all screaming aloud what the hell is this guy on about! Well here me out... If it was not for this astonishingly laughable failure, then we may never have got Nolan's Dark Night trilogy. So hats of Batman And Robin at least you have been minutely redeemed.
This film is an cinematic atrocity no doubt. It failed to deliver on so many levels that it actually has more in common with Epic Movie, than it does with any element of Batman.  I am genuinely surprised that everyone involved with this 'production' was not castrated from doing any more film related things.
George Clooney as Batman, well when I say Batman, I mean George Clooney wearing a cape, is terrible. There is literally no distinguishable features between his Bruce Wayne, and Batman, none. There have been people who have gone to fancy dress parties with more commitment than Clooney presented in this role.
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr Freeze... Oh God is there no mercy. It is well known Arnie can play a good villain,  look no further than Terminator, but here he only succeeds in ensuring that nearly twenty years into the future, people would look back and laugh at his utter pathetic portrayal. It seems that under Schumacher's direction, the iconic actor, was just allowed to do his impression of walking apathy, who's puns are about as hilarious as those found on the reverse of a penguin bar. There is no aspect of his performance that can be justified. There is a moment where he confronts Batman and states "what killed the dinosaurs? The ICE AGE!!", who allowed that sort of writing? Who actually permitted such dopey, dim witted and laughable dialogue, that only succeeds in reminding us that this film is sheer crap.
It's not even just that the actors who are involved are the only problem, Oh no, not surprisingly Batman and Robin's plot is no work of Shakespeare. The whole premise of the plot revolves around the dynamic duo attempting to prevent Mr Freeze and Poison Ivy from freezing the entirety of human kind, and repopulating the earth with mutant plants. There are 3 year old's who have created more interesting concepts, with probably more artistic merit. Nothing makes sense, and there really seems to be a lapse of continuity, not just in the film, but on the actual production. After this film, Schumacher did not direct anything for 2 years. If you have any time check out the post film interviews, it's so great to see everyone beg for forgiveness after the monstrosity they created. Clooney even admitted himself that he "destroyed" the role of Batman, and in many ways he was lucky not to destroy his career with this performance.
However, there is one quality, asides from inspiring a reboot, that redeems this picture. Batman and Robin is so bad, that it is hilarious to witness. If you want a great laugh watch this film. The Bat nipples mixed with the steroid addicted Bane, all contribute toward making this film the greatest Batman spoof of all time. Watch the first five minutes and tell me that isn't the most pitiful attempt to be funny, that succeeds in making people laugh, just because of how bad it is.

My Rating: 3/10 (As a Spoof 6/10)
IMDB: 3.6/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 11%
Did You Know: Voted as the #1 in Empire magazine's "50 Worst Movies Ever" (February 2010).

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