Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Trailer Tuesday: Exodus: Gods And Kings

As we are sadly moving away from the summer movie season why not cast our eyes forward to Ridley Scott's  Exodus: Gods And Kings. This trailer certainly captures my attention for many a reason, and I do believe that despite it's faults this will still be a stand out film of 2014.
This film accounts the efforts of Moses (Christian Bale) in leading the Israelites out of Egypt, which is being ruled by the dictatorial Rahmses (Joel Edgerton).  In many ways this trailer is perfect, the direction, the narrative, even the central performances from Bale and Edgerton seem top notch.
The film looks spectacular,  with Scott's direction looking enthralling. Never shying away from the extravagant set piece, it seems that Exodus: Gods And Kings will not depart from the trait that has made the iconic director a stand out in Hollywood. I am especially eager to witness his portrayal of the ten plagues and from what glimmers we have seen here, I really do think this will not be worth missing.
However, one of the major positives of the film also is a major area for negativity. Joel Edgerton, and especially Christian Bale feel tremendous in their respected roles, despite this it is impossible not to comment on the blatant white-washing of characters. It is such a shame that a 21st century production still feels the need to overlook the heritage and ethnicity of iconic characters. This is a major issue and certainly does take away a sense of good will toward the movie itself not for the individual actors themselves, but for the ignorance of studios in not addressing this pressing issue.
Overall however, Exodus: Gods And Kings is something to be excited for, it's just a shame that such excitement has to be dampened due to issues that can be resolved at no cost, other than a loss of star-power.

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