Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Trailer Tuesday: Gone Girl

Gone Girl is one of my most anticipated films of the year. Based on the best selling novel of the same title, David Fincher's new mystery thriller is a sure to be hit, and seeing as it is to be released this week how can I resist talking about this marvellous trailer.
As I revealed in a previous top five Friday, Fincher is my second favourite, therefore when I heard his name attached to this project I was head-over-heels with excitement. Those high levels of anticipation led me to read Gillian Flynn's exceptional novel, which not only indicated to me that this is a project right up Fincher's street, but also ensured that my overall hype of this upcoming flick remained sky high.
The plot focuses on the disappearance of Amy Dunne (Rosamund Pike), and how an intense media frenzy begins to question her already suspicious husband Nick (Ben Aflleck). The two look perfect in their roles, with Aflleck embodying a awkward persona with undertones of aggression, as well as Pike's tremendous narration presenting her as a ghoulish presence. This is most notable in the scene in which Nick wipes the frost off Amy's lips, honestly she screams ghost. Also, both look as though they are doing a great true to the book performance, which isn't surprising seeing as the script is penned by Flynn herself.
The trailer on a whole is brilliant. It masters pacing, starting with slow cuts to more faster, fore-shadowing that the audience are in for such a roller-coaster journey. I know the that non readers of the book are in for a treat, and even readers have just as much to look forward to as Flynn has re-envisaged the ending to ensure that everyone will be held captivated right to the end.
Gone Girl hits cinema screens on the 3rd of October.

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