Tuesday 2 September 2014

Trailer Tuesday: The Equalizer

This trailer really caught my attention, and left me thinking that maybe we have a new 'Taken' on our hands. Antoine Fuqua's  (Olympus Has Fallen) The Equalizer, follows a former black-ops commando (Denzil Washington) who, in order to live a peaceful life, faked his own death. But, after meeting a young girl (Chloe Grace Moretz) who is tied up with the wrong people, he is forced to come out of retirement in order to save her life.
Anyone who watched this trailer knows exactly what to look forward too: 2 hours of non stop Denzil Washington action. The direction looks slick and the overall concept, based off the 80's tv show, seems fresh yet familiar. Washington appears to be on top form, and right at home within this role. The character seems well realized, not just the stereotypical two-dimensional action star.
Also, Chloe Grace Moretz seems to be an ideal choice for the role. With her recent films Carrie and If I Stay failing to perform at the box office, this may be the perfect rebound for Moretz. And in the well caring hands of Antonie Fuqua, it seems that Moretz may be able to shine in this femme fetale role.
Scheduled for a 26th of September release The Equalizer certainly is a film to keep a eye on, as I predict it will become one of this months most well received films.

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